Windows Server User CALs or Device CALs: Which Should I Buy?

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Windows Server User CALs

Per device or per user licensing? Which one is better? These licenses are generally a mode of choice for distributed computing environments where multiple users access multiple servers. Then what is the big dilemma business suffers? It is in knowing the correct license that will help save businesses thousands of dollars.

Comparing Windows Server User CALs or Device CALs is one of the crucial aspects of preparing an IT infrastructure for any business. It is one of the things enterprises do before making a purchase. And why shouldn't they? A scalable investment needs to be adequately evaluated. But you might have many questions like- which is more appropriate, how the CALs work, what are the differences, etc. Let us understand what seems to be the best fit for your organization.

What is a Device CAL?

Let's say you have 40 employees working in two shifts; then, you need a license per device. Because your business workstations, computer system, and device storage are fixed, making it ideal for shift workers. So a device CAL allows Windows server access to unlimited users from a single device. Therefore, regardless of the number of users, your business can work smoothly.

Here, the licenses are attached to the device, permitting the device itself to access the server. It is ideal for companies in a growing stage to have a fixed IT setup. 

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What is a User CAL?

A User CAL is needed for a business with employees who need to access a server from multiple devices. For instance, a user cal license is helpful if you are on vacation but need to attend an urgent business meeting because you can access the file for printing or presentation from any device. Similarly, a web developer who uses both laptop and desktop will require access to only one Windows User CAL.

Here, the license is assigned to the person to access the Windows server from many different endpoints. This is because the Microsoft User CALs are tied to that person, not the device. It is beneficial for companies that have remote workers.

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So which Microsoft Licensing should you buy- User or Device? It is simple! Depending on your business requirement, you should go for that option. If the nature of your business has remote employees, then go for user Cals. But if there are fixed devices and part-time or night shift workers too, then choose per device Cal. Simply put, the answer depends on whether you have more employees or more devices.

The device Cal is optimal for shift workers or when you have many employees. Likewise, small to mid-sized businesses that work on limited resources hire part-time workers or work on shifts. Such examples include- a maintenance crew, a kiosk in the mall, BPO offices, computers that operate 24/7, where you can save thousands of dollars.

The most economical route will be to purchase according to your business needs. If your company has more remote workers or roaming employees, choose user Cal. With this, they can be more productive even when out of the office by accessing servers over numerous devices and doing the job on time.

So do these CALs work for Remote Desktop Server 2019? The answer is NO! The Cals stated above won’t work for the RDS server but they require a different model which is Server+CAL. It is notable that the RDS Cal also consists of Per Device and Per User license.

What is the Server+CAL model?

When buying Windows Server 2019 User CAL, you need to license using the Server+CAL model. It demands you to have both the server license and user Cal to start working on the server. Here the RDS server license helps install the software on the server, whereas the CALs license is for the people or computer devices that will access that server.

The Microsoft Server+CAL model is a method to increase the pricing for different businesses. If you are a small business, you pay a small price due to less cal requirement, but a large company will need to buy more CALs.

What is an ideal balance?

Still can't identify which option is better? There's another solution that is using a mix of both. Deploy the User CALs and Devices CALs in the same environment for better productivity. The world is going digital, so having remote access to the server is the need of time. This goes without saying that device cal is equally important in building modern IT structures.

We suggest you be flexible and keep the room open for progress, buy user Cal for some employees, and device Cal for the others. We also recommend you choose DirectDeals to help you manage licenses- be it small or large businesses, as they are inclusive of all your needs.

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